Why Does It Matter?

Jul 23 / Molly C. McNamara
Have you ever been tempted to ask yourself something like what this title portrays? 

It’s a question all of us will ponder at one time or another. This question is similar to what the future King Saul wrestled with long ago before he was made king. He had settled for working on the family farm and, as he put it, being a descendant of the lowly tribe of Benjamin. 

In I Samuel 9, Saul and his servant were seen scouring the countryside in search of his father’s donkeys. Those beasts of burden were an important asset in the economy of the farm - working the land and transporting goods. The sole objective was to find those DONKEYS!

God had quite another plan. Saul’s loss of vision to understand his true and valuable inheritance would someday cost him dearly because of his limited mindset. 

‘It really doesn’t matter,’ or ‘why should it matter anyway,’ and to that our brains will comply. 
While we might prefer an easy, tidy little package to push through a given situation or life-changing condition, we can all take a page from this scripture about Saul. 

Our creativity and imagination can lead us to thoughts of potential alternatives. There's an entire world to be unlocked when we have the right key to broaden our outlook.

Why did it matter to Saul?

What became of him anyway?

The prophet Samuel found Saul, shared with him that the donkeys had returned back home, and anointed him as the first King of Israel.
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